After the Final Year Project Presentation,I had watched many movies(开心鬼撞鬼,绝代双骄,Hotel for Dogs and...) and assembly my Gundam (I named it ahKuan D' Gundam hehe next time will introduce to you ^^) but lazy to review, or can say I no inspire by them.
(Having fun after FYP ppt !!)
Today I watched another movie called Bride Wars.It all about the dream wedding for two main characters since they are kids. Both of their dream wedding is want to held at same location in June(why is june?? I have no idea on it =.=!!) However, their wedding crash on same days and...Btw forget to tell you they are BBF~ they wanted to be each other matron of honour but as I mentioned earlier, the organizer mess things up and their wedding date crash on same day. The climax of movie start(the war indeed hehe) when they dont want to compromise to delay their wedding.
However,just likes every movie the ending is perfect because ppl love to see perfect ending ~ Next, lets see the trailer
The best quote from this movie is :
Sometimes in life there really are bonds formed that can never be broken. Sometimes you really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what; maybe you’ll find it in a spouse and celebrate it with your dream wedding, but there is also the chance that the one person you can count on for a lifetime, the one person who knows you, sometimes better than you know yourself, is the same person who's been standing beside you all along.
Well, i told myself after this movie I will start to prepare my exam which coming next Tuesday. but...I found I addicted to play Facebook games and spent whole just want to upgrade my store =.=
Haha feel want to have a dream wedding in future ~ Hehe
今天四月20日,有点感触.. 好不容易挨过了presentation, DR low的夺命追魂 问 还是让我心有余悸 又听说学校的dr jeffery will become the next president of IEM 看来学校 卧虎藏龙的老师真不少 下午吃完午餐和豪哥去IEM还书,到了IEM就奇怪怎么守门的桌子不见了。走了上前一看,不得了 !!铁闸拉着, 门口贴着 AGM will be on wisma...当场愣在那..天,我还要去多一次,昏....
早上就听到朋友说dr jeffery will become the next president of IEM的事。可是就没想到今天会是AGM。每次看戏,主角说的话都会留下伏笔。然后接下来发生的事都会与那段话有关。如果有那么一部戏放了个无关紧要的话或画面,那这套戏我想。。。要积点口德,哈哈虽然我知道我是个嘴贱的人~ 今天遇到的事,就像电影里的一幕场景。朋友的话预示着接下来发生的事
I love to watch movie during my spare time. I just watched one at the early morning. the movie name is Handsome Suit. First the movie give the definitions of handsome guy and Dinosaur. Usually, the dinosaur is widely used in described gals in huge physical and ... No of fence but guys are using this word behind the gal(sorry ~). However, This is the first time i heard it used to described man as the same meanings(maybe gals are using this word also, i guessed). One thing I agreed is that man also cared about their looking !!
No mention does not mean they don't care
The main characters are ugly Takuro and Hiroko. Takuro is an unattractive guy. His physical and looking bring many unpleasant experiences to him such as treated as molester. Takuro running a small restaurant after his mum passed away. His got all the cooking skills from his mum and his friends teasing him that if he can get a girlfriend then everything will be perfect.
No surprise, he has been refused 100 over times. Be no exception, he failed when he confesses to Hiroko, the beautiful part-time worker in his restaurant. Bring about coincident, he meet a mystery salesman who introduces him a Handsome suit. Curiosity prompt him to the shop and successfully transform become a handsome guy. The funny scenes of the movie start after he having a double lives as a ugly chief and a popular model.
Lets check the trailers out ^^
Last, If there was a suit can transform you become a popular handsome guy or gorgeous gal, will you be willing to change your entire body eternity to pursue superficial perfection?
My answer?? Well,I love being myself although Im not a good looking guy ^^
Initially, I planned to own an English Blog. Yes, no doubt is in e~n~g~L~i~S`h. not know why...end up as....华语部落格,哈哈。有时你所计划的和你所实行的差了一大截。我想,这就是人生 Ces't La Vi ^^哈哈